LinkedIn Content Strategy 2021 | Part 2

They will push content out to external links, and that is a powerful content strategy 2021 to drive traffic from your LinkedIn company page to an external source. The following content type is the document feature. This one is relatively new to LinkedIn, and it is powerful. When somebody checks out your past posts, it has its featured newsfeed just for documents. The other unique thing about documents is they are swipeable visual files.

What that means for you is it starts to preview the image of the next slide, which creates intrigue for people to want to see what is next. On other social media platforms, you may see this as a slidable feature or a carousel-type post. It is the same thing. The most significant difference is it’s uploaded as either a PDF, a word document, or a PowerPoint slide deck. Mid-content strategy break.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 2021 | LinkedIn Video

The next content strategy type is video. I get excited about a video because that is the fastest way to connect visually with your customers and get clients. Plus, video on LinkedIn is still undersaturated. Keep the videos short, either in a minute to two minutes long.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 2021 | LinkedIn Video

And we want to see that there’s going to be people in this video. We want access to who is behind the scenes working on those products or services, even if it’s a product or service. Merge the LinkedIn video with either readable content or captions. That way, we can watch the video on silent, and you can get more attention from your potential customers or clients who may be consuming your video at their place of work. The following content-type is LinkedIn live video.

The number one thing you want to be aware of with LinkedIn live is it does require an application to get access and a third-party tool to go live on the platform. You can go live spontaneously. You can schedule your live in advance, and you can go live within an event, which creates a chat feature that allows your audience to connect with each other. When somebody opens up your LinkedIn profile, instead of seeing your LinkedIn banner at the top, they will be able to watch you like a TV screen from your LinkedIn profile. It will be the live video playing there.

Since people can land on your profile over and over again, you can create a consistent schedule for your LinkedIn lives and direct them to the same link every single time. As of this recording and depending on your third-party tool, the ability to have your banner image turn into the LinkedIn live video is currently only available on the personal LinkedIn profile, but I anticipate it might roll out to the LinkedIn company pages. The next hot new feature for LinkedIn is LinkedIn polls. This is a great tool to use for audience research and marketing questions. Click to start a post.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 2021 | LinkedIn polls

Hover over the image of a poll. It says Create a poll. You open up with a question, and you have four choices your audience can choose from. And the poll duration, you can choose from one day, three days, one week, or two weeks. The one that I recommend that works the best is one week of poll duration.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 2021 | LinkedIn polls

My favorite thing to do is for the last choice of all four to be other; comment below. That way, you get people to engage in the conversation in the comments. An excellent strategy for polls is to keep it simple. The best way to keep it simple is to have the question in the text post, a call to action to vote, the same question in the poll, and then give people three options, with the fourth option to be other, comment below. All right, let’s hear it for the following content type, articles.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 2021 | LinkedIn Articles

This is the only type of content on LinkedIn that encourages you to tweet them and share them over to Facebook. The key to getting more visibility on your LinkedIn article is to optimize the image. Here, the example I’m sharing with you is five ways your LinkedIn profile cover photo can sell for you. I made that the title with SEO terms that people can search for and find on Google, but this is also highly shareable across all social media with this image. For example, this article that I’m showing you has over 88 direct shares.

This does not even include reshares of the share that is out on the internet. So a LinkedIn article has the potential, when optimized, to go highly viral outside of LinkedIn, and that is probably the top piece of content that can do that on LinkedIn. The next content type is LinkedIn stories. It is a relatively new feature. It was rolled out in 2020.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 2021 | LinkedIn Articles

It’s mainly accessible from your mobile device. Twenty seconds long, and you get three ways to drive traffic from a LinkedIn story. The first one, just by having a company page. No matter how many followers, you automatically get the swipe up on your LinkedIn company stories. The swipe-up feature is only available to you on your profile if you have 5,000 followers and your Follow button is the primary button instead of Connect.

At the bottom of every LinkedIn, the story is the ability to reply to that story. On the company page, you are not able to exchange messages through LinkedIn stories. That’s why the third option I’m about to give you is crucial for company pages. You want to encourage people to click on the image in the upper left-hand corner, the company logo you have uploaded for your company page. That gives them direct access to open up your profile or your company page.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 2021 | LinkedIn events

And the final LinkedIn content type is LinkedIn events. The way you get access to it is to go to your home page at the top, where you say Add a post. It has the option to click Event. You get access to create an event, either as yourself or as a company page. The most potent parts of LinkedIn events are the cover image and logo that goes with the Event.

My best tip for you is to show people. If people are speaking at your event, showcase their images, and make sure to highlight who’s attending your Event already as a speaker or attendee. Another business advantage to LinkedIn events is creating an opt-in link when you start the Event. Every single person who registers for a LinkedIn event is also added to your email list. A great way to get the word out about your event is the ability to invite attendees from your current audience.

You can also create a filter to invite the specific, ideal client you want to attend this event. As a reward for getting through all the different content types on LinkedIn, I will give you a great post type text-only that you can make within five minutes that gets excellent engagement and response.

LinkedIn Content Strategy 2021 | LinkedIn events

Announce to the platform that you’re getting more active here on LinkedIn, either your profile or your company page. Ask for advice for who you should connect with or follow or engage with on the platform, and then pick hashtags where you think your ideal client is currently pursuing. And that is a powerful post for LinkedIn because it encourages tagging and engagement and introduces you to new people you may not have connected with before.

All of the content types we just covered can get even more reach when paired with a great hashtag strategy. And in this video, I’m going to cover my complete hashtag strategy that will get you in front of your ideal audience.

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Social Media Friends
About the author Social Media Friend

Social media marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your business. However, many people think that it’s a complicated process that requires a lot of time and effort. On Social Media Friends we will help and give ideas.

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